Lawnmower in long grass.
The only problem with being away from home for two weeks is the need to catch-up on everything when I get back. Medium tasks like 300+ emails. Little tasks like mowing the lawn… I managed to find enough dry weather today to do the back lawn. Then there are the big tasks too… like getting my POTD up to date as well. Today I started the big task of posting images from the start of the Syria trip (See ). I wonder how long it will take me to get to the end of posting those photos?
27 October 2008:
To answer the above question… 19 days, because today I’ve finally posted all the Syria trip POTD entries. Now all I’ve got to do is get the photos beween 8th October and now posted! At least that shouldn’t be quite so difficult as most of those days will only have one photo associated with them… unlike the Syrian photos where I was posting 10 or more photos for a single day.
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